Verlag | Flamingo |
Auflage | 1991 |
Seiten | 236 |
Format | 12,9 x 19,8 x 1,6 cm |
Gewicht | 180 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
ISBN-10 | 0006543944 |
EAN | 9780006543947 |
Bestell-Nr | 00654394EM |
Sie trugen ihre Waffen, sie trugen ihre Angst, sie trugen ihre Hoffnung, sie trugen Erinnerungen an daheim und sie trugen ihre toten Kameraden. Tim O'Brien trug noch mehr. Er trug die Geschichten seiner Kompanie, der Alpha Company, aus Vietnam heraus, so lange bis er sie aufgeschrieben hat. Jeder Satz seiner 22 Erzählungen ist eine Wahrheit gegen den Krieg, gegen das Sterben und das Vergessen.
An award-winning history and politics memoir of the Vietnam War
The million-copy bestseller, which is a ground-breaking meditation on war, memory, imagination, and the redemptive power of storytelling.
The million-copy bestseller, which is a ground-breaking meditation on war, memory, imagination, and the redemptive power of storytelling.
'The Things They Carried' is, on its surface, a sequence of award-winning stories about the madness of the Vietnam War; at the same time it has the cumulative power and unity of a novel, with recurring characters and interwoven strands of plot and theme.
But while Vietnam is central to 'The Things They Carried', it is not simply a book about war. It is also a book about the human heart - about the terrible weight of those things we carry through our lives.
'One of the best war books of this century, an unflinching attempt to illuminate both its obscene physical brutality and the terrible mental overload' Guardian
'A thrilling and beautiful distillation of everything that has been thought, felt, or said about the Vietnam War and its long afterburn. A heartbreaking and healing masterpiece; time will make it a classic' Michael Herr, author of Dispatches
'Essential...O'Brien captures the war's pulsating rhythms and nerve-racking dangers...a stunning performance. The overall effect of these original tales is devastating' New York Times