Verlag | Evangelische Verlagsanstalt |
Auflage | 2018 |
Seiten | 360 |
Format | 12,3 x 19,1 x 2,2 cm |
Großformatiges Paperback. Klappenbroschur | |
Gewicht | 346 g |
Reihe | Edition Pietismustexte (EPT) 12 |
ISBN-10 | 3374053572 |
ISBN-13 | 9783374053575 |
Bestell-Nr | 37405357A |
Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769) ist heute vor allem als evangelischer Lyriker und Liedertexter im Gedächtnis. Die Grundlagen seiner Theologie hat er aber in mehreren, zum Teil nur noch Fachleuten bekannten Prosaschriften niedergelegt, die vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert vor allem in frommen Kreisen Europas und Nordamerikas rezipiert wurden. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Themen wie Gebet und christlicher Lebenswandel, Mystik und Separatismus. Dieser Band stellt die wichtigsten dieser Aufsätze in ihrer Urfassung zusammen. Einige Texte, die für das Verständnis Tersteegens zentral, aber kaum mehr greifbar sind, sollen einem größeren Kreis zugänglich gemacht werden. Lagen der Forschung bislang meist jüngere oder gar postum erschienene Tersteegen-Ausgaben zugrunde, gewähren nun die Erstausgaben ein neues Licht auf den Pietisten Tersteegen und ermöglichen es, Entwicklungsstränge seines Werks präziser nachzuvollziehen.[Treatises on Piety and Theology]Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769) is remembered to day mainly as a Protestant poet and writer of lyrics. But the foundations of his theology he has laid down in several prose writings - for the most part known today only to specialists - which have been read from the 18th to the 20th century primarily in pious circles in Europe and North America. Their focus is on topics such as prayer and Christian life, mysticism and separatism. This volume contains the most important articles in their original version. Some texts, which are essential for the understanding of Tersteegen, but are largely inaccessible, are now made available to a wider audience. So far, the research on Tersteegen has been based mostly on newer or posthumous editions of his works. These first editions shed a new light on the pietist Tersteegen, allowing to retrace the development of his work more precisely.
Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769) is remembered today mainly as a Protestant poet and writer of lyrics. But the foundations of his theology he has laid down in several prose writings - for the most part known today only to specialists - which have been read from the 18th to the 20th century primarily in pious circles in Europe and North America. Their focus is on topics such as prayer and Christian life, mysticism and separatism. This volume contains the most important articles in their original version. Some texts, which are essential for the understanding of Tersteegen, but are largely inaccessible, are now made available to a wider audience. So far, the research on Tersteegen has been based mostly on newer or posthumous editions of his works. These first editions shed a new light on the pietist Tersteegen, allowing to retrace the development of his work more precisely.