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Als Mängelexemplar
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Verlag | Mattes |
Auflage | 2022 |
Seiten | 128 |
Format | 15,0 x 1,0 x 21,4 cm |
Gewicht | 200 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
ISBN-10 | 3868091874 |
EAN | 9783868091878 |
Bestell-Nr | 86809187M |
The theme of this anthology is `life' and it is a reader for Peter [Bews], not just in memory of him. Like anyone, he had his particular likes and dislikes in literature, but he never imposed his preferences on the group. As a tribute to him, contributors were asked this time to write something he would have liked, or something inspired by him.
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