All about LIPEDEMA
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Verlag | Scout-Medien |
Auflage | 2021 |
Seiten | 280 |
Format | 16,8 x 1,8 x 23,6 cm |
Gewicht | 753 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
ISBN-10 | 3948309051 |
EAN | 9783948309053 |
Bestell-Nr | 94830905M |
German bestseller now in englishFrom sufferers to sufferersWhat you should know about LipedemaTop specialists in LipedemaOne of the best german surgeons passes on his knowledgeFrom diagnosis,to conventional therapy,to surgeryPractical life aids against LipedemaOperations and successesHundreds questions and answers clarifyContains lots of tips for living with LipedemaOver 250 picturesIncluding a success story in pictures
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