AI Nudes - The Art of AI Born Beauties (Hardcover Book)
Gebundene Ausgabe, Sprache: Englisch - zu den Produktdetails
von Judson Rosebush
Gebundener Preis: 59,99 €1
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29,99 €
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Verlag | Goliath Verlagsges. |
Auflage | 2024 |
Seiten | 256 |
Format | 14,6 x 2,2 x 21,8 cm |
Gewicht | 760 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
ISBN-10 | 394845096X |
EAN | 9783948450960 |
Bestell-Nr | 94845096M |
This collection of AI generated breathtaking dream women is imaginative, seductive and taboo at the same time. A visual masterpiece.This photo book is a must for lovers of beauty, lust and uninhibited fantasy. AI-generated nude photography is the new pop culture. Unique, entertaining, curious and photorealistically overwhelmingly intense!
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