Camille Graeser. Vom Werden eines konkreten Künstlers
Verlag | Wienand Verlag |
Auflage | 2020 |
Seiten | 480 |
Format | 17,8 x 25,2 x 4,0 cm |
Gewicht | 1658 g |
ISBN-10 | 386832528X |
ISBN-13 | 9783868325287 |
Bestell-Nr | 86832528A |
Camille Graeser (1882-1980) gehört zu den Großen der Zürcher konkreten Künstler. Aber wie kam der Möbelbauer und Designer mit eigenem Stuttgarter Atelier zur konstruktiv-konkreten Malerei? Sein malerisches Talent hatte Graeser von Beginn an begleitet und gewann nach seiner Flucht in die Schweiz 1933 wesentlich an Bedeutung. Dieser Essayband schildert in sieben Beiträgen die Zeit des Umbruchs in seiner Biografie sowie seine künstlerische Neuorientierung in Zürich und veranschaulicht dies durch umfangreiches Quellen- und Archivmaterial. Betrachtet werden auch seine Verbindungen zu anderen Künstlern der 1920er- bis 1950er-Jahre, insbesondere zu den Mitgliedern der schweizerischen Künstlervereinigung Allianz.Camille Graeser is one of the great concrete artists from Zurich. But how did the furniture maker and designer with his own studio in Stuttgart come to create concrete, constructivist painting? Graeser's talent as a painter accompanied him from the beginning and gained importance after his flight to Switzerland in 1933. This essay volume describes the period of upheaval in his biography as well as his artistic reorientation in Zurich and illustrates this with extensive source and archive material.
Camille Graeser is one of the great concrete artists from Zurich. But how did the furniture maker and designer with his own studio in Stuttgart come to create concrete, constructivist painting? Graeser's talent as a painter accompanied him from the beginning and gained importance after his flight to Switzerland in 1933. This essay volume describes the period of upheaval in his biography as well as his artistic reorientation in Zurich and illustrates this with extensive source and archive material.