Michelin Estremadura, Kastilien-La Mancha, Madrid - Straßen- und Tourismuskarte 1:400 000
Verlag | Michelin Editions |
Auflage | 2023 |
Seiten | 1 |
Format | 25,2 x 11,5 x 3,6 cm |
Gewicht | 104 g |
ISBN-10 | 2067259032 |
ISBN-13 | 9782067259034 |
Bestell-Nr | 06725903FA |
Michelin regional maps each contain practical road and route information. Special Michelin reads-like-a-book format for easy use in folding and unfolding. Useful information for planning trips, including gas stations, 24-hour service stations, toll gates, rest areas and service plazas. Clear, precise cartography. Icons pinpoint important travel information.
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