Policy-Making in the European Union
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Verlag | Oxford University Press |
Auflage | 2020 |
Format | 24,6 x 17,3 x 3,2 cm |
Gewicht | 1079 g |
ISBN-10 | 0198807600 |
ISBN-13 | 9780198807605 |
Bestell-Nr | 19880760EA |
The eighth edition of Policy-Making in the European Union provides students and scholars with a strong understanding of the processes and institutions involved in EU policy-making. In particular, it assesses policy-making in a more politicized context and in light of Brexit.
- Institutions, Process, and Analytical Approaches
- 1: Helen Wallace, Mark A. Pollack, Christilla Roederer-Rynning, and Alasdair R. Young: An Overview
- 2: Mark A. Pollack: Theorizing EU Policy-Making
- 3: Alasdair R. Young and Christilla Roederer-Rynning: The European Policy Process in Comparative Perspective
- 4: Christine Reh and Helen Wallace: An Institutional Anatomy and Five Policy Modes
- Policies
- 5: Alasdair R. Young: The Single Market
- 6: Mark Thatcher: Competition Policy
- 7: Dermot Hodson: Economic and Monetary Union
- 8: Christilla Roederer-Rynning: The Common Agricultural Policy
- 9: Brigid Laffan and Johannes Lindner: The Budget
- 10: John Bachtler and Carlos Mendez: Cohesion Policy
- 11: Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen: Social Policy
- 12: Abraham Newman: Digital Policy
- 13: Andrea Lenschow: Environmental Policy
- 14: David Buchan: Energy Policy
- 15: Sandra Lavenex: Justice and Home Affairs
- 16: Alasdair R. Young: Trade Policy
- 17: Bastian Giegerich: Foreign and Security Policy
- 18: Jan Orbie: International Development Policy
- 19: Ulrich Sedelmeier: Enlargement
- Conclusions
- 20: Helen Wallace, Mark A. Pollack, Christilla Roederer-Rynning, and Alasdair R. Young: Conclusions
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