Wissenschaft und Zivilmacht - Die Außenwissenschaftspolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1950-1990
Verlag | Mann (Gebr.) |
Auflage | 2024 |
Seiten | 648 |
Format | 18,0 x 4,4 x 24,6 cm |
Gewicht | 1219 g |
Reihe | Schriften des Bundesarchivs 81 |
ISBN-10 | 3786129193 |
ISBN-13 | 9783786129196 |
Bestell-Nr | 78612919A |
Anhand zahlreicher Forschungsbereiche sowie der wichtigsten Wissenschaftspartnerschaften mit Staaten in aller Welt zeichnet dieses Buch die Geschichte deutscher Außenwissenschaftspolitik nach - im Spannungsfeld zwischen wirtschaftlichen Exportinteressen und wissenschaftlichen Exzellenzerfordernissen.
Based on numerous research areas and the most important scientific partnerships with countries all over the world, this book traces the history of German foreign science policy - in the area of conflict between economic export interests and scientific excellence requirements.
Science diplomacy has become a pillar of the Federal Republic of Germany's foreign policy in its own right. The author traces this from the end of the war to reunification, using numerous research areas and the most important scientific partnerships around the world. The aims, actors and instruments of German foreign science policy are examined. It was in the service of reparations, ties to the West and world politics, and was intended to be a policy of détente, development and Europe. In the field of tension between economic export interests and scientific excellence requirements, the expectations of this policy field were always high - perhaps too high.