Clinical Radiology of the Horse
Verlag | Wiley & Sons |
Auflage | 2016 |
Seiten | 808 |
Format | 22,7 x 28,6 x 4,2 cm |
Gewicht | 2486 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
EAN | 9781118912287 |
Bestell-Nr | 11891228UA |
Clinical Radiology of the Horse is the best-selling, practical guide to all areas of equine radiography and radiology written by an experienced group of clinicians with a broad range of backgrounds.
_ Offers an atlas of normal and clinical images, as well as a comprehensive guide to techniques, equipment, positioning, and interpretation for general veterinary practitioners and specialists in imaging and orthopaedics
_ Updates to this fourth edition fully reflect the move to digital imaging with many new figures in the book and major revisions to the chapters on the head, thorax, and abdomen
_ Contains expanded coverage of the foot, pastern, and fetlock (now in separate chapters)
_ Includes a password-protected website with all the images from the book as well as over 200 additional images with examples of more subtle lesions, more fractures, correct technique and positioning versus incorrect, immature horses, progression of disease, and pathological images
PREFACE to the fourth edition
1 General principles
Introduction; Principles of radiography; Principles of radiographic interpretation: radiology; Radiological appearance of physiological changes and some common pathological lesions
2 Computed and digital radiography
3 The foot
Distal phalanx (pedal bone); Hoof; Navicular bone
4 The proximal and middle phalanges and the proximal interphalangeal joint
5 Metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal (fetlock) joints
6 The metacarpal and metatarsal regions
7 The carpus and antebrachium
8 The shoulder, humerus, elbow and radius
Scapulohumeral (shoulder) joint and humerus; Humeroradial, humeroulnar and radioulnar (elbow or cubital) joints and radius
9 The tarsus
10 The stifle and tibia
Stifle; Tibia
11 The head
Cranium; Paranasal sinuses (frontal, maxi llary, conchal) and maxilla; Teeth and mandible; Pharynx, larynx and Eustachian tube diverticulum
12 The vertebral column
Cervical vertebrae; Thoracolumbar vertebrae; Sacrum and coccygeal vertebrae
13 The pelvis and femur
Pelvis; Femur
14 The thorax
15 The alimentary and urinary systems
Oesophagus; Abdomen and gastrointestinal tract; Urinary system
16 Miscellaneous techniques
Arthrography and bursography; Tendonography; Angiography; Venography; Myelography; Pneumocystography;
Intravenous Pyelography; Other techniques
Appendix A: Fusion times of physes and suture lines
Appendix B: Exposure guide, image quality and film processing faults
Appendix C: Glossary
"The purpose is to provide "a comprehensive book dedicated to equine radiography and radiology which would be of practical help to the practitioner, as well as providing specialist information." This worthy objective is accomplished by an exhaustive cohesive effort at consensus presentation rather than the more common individually authored chapters or sections...The book is so comprehensive that it illustrates most or all of the disease presentations in each anatomical region....This should be a mainstay reference for any equine-oriented students or younger practitioners....This effort by these highly credible authors is to be applauded.5 Stars!" (Doody Enterprises 28/04/2017