The Little One Discovers Math
Verlag | Spica Verlags- & Vertriebs GmbH |
Alter | 3 - 14 Jahre |
Auflage | 2023 |
Seiten | 64 |
Format | 14,7 x 0,4 x 14,8 cm |
Gewicht | 101 g |
Artikeltyp | Englisches Buch |
Reihe | Die kleine Eins / De lütte Een / The little One 2 |
ISBN-10 | 3985030839 |
EAN | 9783985030835 |
Bestell-Nr | 98503083A |
The litt le One needs help urgently, because of a mishapher stove is broken. Now she can't cook her beloved alphabetsoup anymore. Fortunately there is a big mathcompeti ti on, in which the winner gets a new kitchenof their dreams. Together with her helpful numberfriends she is up for the challenge. Shedoes not only discover math, but alsotakes part in an exciting, insightfuladventure.